10 ways of Using Stickers and Labels

Custom Address Labels



We sometimes forget just how useful these adhesive pieces of paper can be. Stickers and labels can be fun, they can be eye-catching and they can be used for more than just a label on an envelope or a sticker for the fridge. Today, stickers and labels are used as marketing tools for businesses, ways to organise the home and so much more.


Every business wants to stand out from their competitors and what better way than to use stickers. You can place your logo and company name on promotional chocolates and gifts or if you’re advertising a special promotion you can place your stickers on your vehicle, on your office door or hand them out to friends and family.


Identify Jars

Do you love spending time in the kitchen making different jams? Once they’re made and placed in their jars, you may struggle telling them apart. This is where labels come in. You can create your own special “made with love” designs eliminating the risk of confusing your jars again. It’s handy, it’s helpful and they’re so much fun to make. You can personalise them with your own special message for when handing them to friends and family that come over to visit.


donald_trump_bumper_stickerMake a Bumper Sticker

Almost every second car you pass on the road these days has some kind of bumper sticker. Whether they’re letting you know that they have a baby on board or they want you to be entertained while you sit in slow moving traffic on your way to work, bumper stickers are fun, they’re amusing and they send a message to those that read them.


Make Sure your Vehicle is Noticed

Stickers are used by hundreds of companies around the world, ensuring that anyone that sees them on the road knows who they are and what they do. Companies brand their vehicles with their company name, logo and contact number. Some know that their drivers can get carried away on the road, so they take the stickers that little bit further, placing it on the back bumper to advise other drivers that the driver isn’t allowed to exceed a certain speed limit.


waterprrof-labelsBusiness Card Stickers and Brochures

If you have a big conference coming up and you want to hand out some glossy company brochures, you can seal them with business stickers. This ensures that everyone that receives a brochure, peels back your business card to look inside. It’s a great way to increase visibility in a competitive market.


Turn Candles into Place Settings at Special Events

Weddings and dinners can be turned into a beautiful masterpiece by placing a candle at each setting labelled with the person’s name. Name place settings are used at weddings and functions and are often boring and dull; you can add some fun and creativity by turning a candle into a place setting that will be remembered, is personalised and different.


Garden Plants

If you have a garden and you’ve planted a number of herbs, you may struggle to identify them once they start to grow, especially if you don’t have green fingers and are trying out gardening for the first time. There are many ways you can use stickers on wooden spikes, labelling where you planted each herb. Once it grows you can sound like a gardening professional when you showcase your hard work to friends that come around for a visit.


school-name-labelMake Sure Everyone Knows Which DVD is Yours

One of the biggest problems that most DVD and CD owners have these days is forgetting who they loaned their favourite movie or music to. In many cases, those who borrow these items forget where they got them and they become part of their permanent collection. You can label all your DVDs and CDs (if you still have any), ensuring that the person who has them is constantly reminded which home they really belong in.


Reheating instructions

When going away to stay with friends, you probably cook up some meals and pop them in the freezer for your family, ensuring they eat a decent meal each night. Chances are your kids have no idea how to heat them, never mind what temperature to use or how long a meal takes to heat in the microwave. You can label each container with heating instructions to avoid coming home to a kitchen disaster.


thumb_red_yellow_blue_and_green_laser_labels Organise your office

One of the fun things you can do with labels is to organise and personalise your office. Whether you work from home or at a company, you can turn labels into useful tools that are more than just for envelopes. You can mark your drawers so you know where everything is quick, you can mark the trays on your desk to stop colleagues placing things in the wrong baskets and you can even place a label under the plant you purchased for your desk, which someone always seems to claim to for their own. The best thing is, you can choose your own laser and inkjet labels and print them yourself!


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