
Environmental policy

Environmental, Safety and Health (ESH) Policy Statement

Vine Lodge Products Ltd. is dedicated to the achievement of being a leader in the provision of printed and plain labels. To ensure the achievement of this mission, the management of Vine Lodge Products Ltd. is fully committed to the principles and practices of the Environment, Safety and Health Policies.

It is the policy of Vine Lodge Products Ltd. to comply with the terms of current UK Health, Safety and Environmental legislation and to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. The objective is to minimise instances of occupational illness and accidents and to achieve an accident free and environmentally friendly workplace.

All employees will be provided with such equipment, information, training and supervision as is necessary to implement the policy and achieve the stated objective.

Vine Lodge Products Ltd. recognises and accepts its duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to the company, including contractors and temporary workers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by our operations.

While the management of Vine Lodge Products Ltd. will do all that is within its powers to ensure the health and safety of its employees, it is recognised that health and safety at work is the responsibility of each and every individual associated with the company. It is the duty of each employee to take reasonable care of their own and other people's welfare and to report any situation which may pose a threat to the well being of any other person.

The management of Vine Lodge Products Ltd. will provide every employee with the training necessary to carry out their tasks safely. However if an employee is unsure how to perform a certain task or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific job then it is the employee's duty to report this to their supervisor or senior manager. An effective health and safety program requires continuous communication between staff at all levels. It is therefore every worker's responsibility to report immediately any situation that could jeopardise the well being of themselves or any other person.

All accidents, injuries, incidents (including near misses) sustained by a person at work must be reported to either their Supervisor / Manager, a first aid qualified colleague, or directly to the ESH Manager. Accident and incident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore be accurate and as comprehensive as possible.

Vine Lodge Products Ltd. and its employees will strive to:

eliminate or minimise environmental pollution from the conduct of its operations.

reduce the creation of waste and dispose of such waste safely and responsibly.

reduce the consumption of natural resources and energy.

All personnel are required to abide by the requirements/contents of the company ESH Policy and failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

The Vine Lodge Products Ltd. Environment, Safety and Health Policy will be continually monitored and updated, particularly when changes in the scale and nature of our operations occur. The policy will be reviewed at regular intervals at the discretion of the ESH Manager.

Revised 20 October 2020

Gideon Hall

Managing Director

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Copyright © Vine Lodge Products 2020. VAT No. GB 129 8587 20. Registered in England and Wales Company No: 6555094